In the previous part of the series on C/C++ strings, I described the string literal, plus how and why to
Yearly Archive:: 2023
LibreOffice extensions with Python – part 2: Debugging
In my previous blog post on creating LibreOffice extensions with Python, I have discussed how to
LibreOffice extensions with Python – part 1
Ever wondered how to create a LibreOffice extension? Here I discuss how to do that via Python programming
String literals: C/C++ string data types part 2
In the first part of the series on string types in LibreOffice, I discussed some of
Integer data types improvement – EasyHack
Many different data types are used in LibreOffice code. During the long history of the LibreOffice, and before that
UNO API error reporting improvement – EasyHack
In this blog post, I discuss the EayHack for improving UNO API error reporting. EasyHacks are good if
LibreOffice conference 2023 workshop presentation slides
LibreOffice conference (LibOCon) 2023 was held in Bucharest from 20 to 23 September 2023. Among the other programs, an
Catalog and schema support for SQL functions – difficulty interesting EasyHack
LibreOffice has a database application called Base. It can connect to various database management
Warning for low disk space – difficulty interesting EasyHack
Without enough space, one may face data corruption, which is really a terrible thing that can
Find and replace For Base – difficulty interesting EasyHack
LibreOffice Base is part of LibreOffice productivity suite that makes it possible to work with databases.
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