3 Jan 2023

Happy new year 2023!

Happy new year 2023! I wish a great year for you, and the global LibreOffice community.

Here I briefly discuss the year 2022 around the development blog, and the outlook for 2023.

In 2022, I wrote 22 posts around LibreOffice development in this blog. (Some of them are drafts which are not yet published). I hope that my published posts were useful for you to understand LibreOffice code better, and to get involved in LibreOffice core development.

At The Document Foundation (TDF), our aim is to improve LibreOffice, the leading free/open source office software that you and many other people around the world use. Our work is community-driven, and we need your help.

Happy new year to the LibreOffice community

Happy new year to the LibreOffice community

These are some the topics I want to discuss in 2023:

  1. Various data types in LibreOffice
  2. LibreOffice build system (gbuild)
  3. New EasyHacks
  4. Fixing crashes
  5. Creating user interfaces with VCL
  6. LibreOffice core development guide
  7. SDK development guide

I will be happy if you provide feedback to me in a comment here, or via email. You can email me using hossein AT libreoffice DOT org.

As you may know, I provide mentoring to those who want to start LibreOffice development. You can contact me if you need help via the above email address.

Have a great time!

21 Dec 2022

UNO Data types in code and API

alsVarious data types are used in LibreOffice code and also in LibreOffice API. Here we discuss some of these data types, which are important when you are working with LibreOffice code and API. (more…)

3 Dec 2022

gbuild introduction – LibreOffice build system part 1

LibreOffice uses a build system called gbuild which uses GNU Make. Migrating from the old build system to gbuild started in the OpenOffice days, but the migration took a while and a lot of effort, finishing around LibreOffice 4.1. (more…)

17 Nov 2022

Formatting the code in your patch for LibreOffice

Do you want to submit a patch to LibreOffice Gerrit, and you’re wondering if your code will be accepted or not? Other than providing a good solution to resolve a problem (fix a bug, implement a feature or enhancement), you should care about the code conventions, and in particular, code formatting. Suitable code formatting for LibreOffice is what we discuss here. (more…)

3 Nov 2022

Crash fixes, part 2: abort

One category of the bugs that we see in computer programs including LibreOffice is the unexpected crashes. You’re working with the application, and it is suddenly closed! In the previous part, I have discussed crashes that are caused by segmentation fault. In this article, I discuss the crashes from invoking abort() function. Please note that not an abort is not always a bad thing, or a bug. (more…)

24 Oct 2022

Crashes that you can fix! – EasyHack

As discussed in the “crash fixes for LibreOffice, part 1: segfaults“, bugs that lead to crash in LibreOffice or other native applications can have different causes, and therefore need completely different fixes. Some of these bugs are hard to fix: you have to change the behavior of the application in order to avoid crashes. (more…)

6 Sep 2022

Crash fixes, part 1: segfault

One of the bugs that we see in computer programs including LibreOffice is the crash. You’re working with the application, and the program is suddenly closed! I discuss the usual causes for crashes, and how to fix some of them. Here I write about segfault crashes.

16 Aug 2022

ODF standard and the code – EasyHack

Open Document Format (ODF) is a standard (ISO/IEC 26300) and native file format that LibreOffice uses. OASIS developed this file format based on the file format of StarOffice, the ancestor of LibreOffice. (more…)

19 May 2022

Interacting with the Review Bot on Gerrit

Have you received “A polite ping, still working on this bug?” message on one of your Gerrit submissions? You can simply send an arbitrary reply to avoid the patch being abandoned within a month. Here we discuss more about Review bot, which is one of the QA (Quality Assurance) tools for the LibreOffice QA team to manage old submissions. (more…)

5 May 2022

How to write a good commit message

If you have started your journey to become an experienced developer, you already know that you have to describe what you have done when you change the code and submit it to be merged in the master branch. In git and many other source code management systems, this description is called a commit message. (more…)