31 Dec 2021

Happy New Year 2022!

I wish everyone the best for 2022!

Hoping a great year for LibreOffice, all the FOSS users and developers, and above that, everyone around the globe!

Hoping to see:

more and more contributors,

many more nice features,

lots of helpful bug fixes,

and increased user satisfaction.

See you in 2022!

31 Dec 2021

Use basegfx to convert angle unit – EasyHack

What is basegfx?

First, what is basegfx, how it is used for converting angle units, and why we should care?

If you look at the list of LibreOffice modules in docs.libreoffice.org, you will see that basegfx is one of the LibreOffice modules. It contains the “algorithms and data types for graphics“, and it provides useful functions for LibreOffice graphics code. We care because using these functions helps us write cleaner code using well tested methods. (more…)

23 Nov 2021

Use symbolic constants instead of magic numerical constants – EasyHack

There are many situations that you need to use numerical constants in your code. If you use numerical literal values directly instead of symbolic constants, it can cause problems. (more…)

17 Nov 2021

Use atan2 function instead of atan – EasyHack

When working with shapes and charts in LibreOffice, there are several occasions that you have to calculate tan-1x. But is atan function always the best choice? Here we discuss using atan2 function instead of atan in C++ code. (more…)

14 Oct 2021

Automated bibisect to find source of a bug

In programming, we usually face bugs that we should fix to maintain or improve our software. In order to fix a bug, first we should find the source of the problem, and there are tools like “Automated bibisect” are available to help, specially when the bug is a regression. (more…)

4 Oct 2021

Getting Started (Video Tutorial)

LibreOffice development starts with setting up a development environment. After that, you can do the development in your favorite IDE. In this 80 minutes presentation, you will find everything you need to know to get started with LibreOffice development; from installing dependencies using distribution tools, LODE (LibreOffice Development Environment) or manual setup to compilation itself. (more…)

4 Oct 2021

LibreOffice Development blog has started!

This is the first post of the LibreOffice Development Blog!

To know more about what is going on in LibreOffice, you can refer to the main Document Foundation blog. Also, if you want to learn more about the LibreOffice design, you can refer to the LibreOffice Design Team blog. And now, we have created a new blog, dedicated to the LibreOffice development! (more…)